Weekly Photo Challenge: Resolved

jan pics 028-1Although I don’t make resolutions in January, I do like to choose a word to guide me through the upcoming 12 months.  I’ve done this the past few years and I’m always surprised at how often my word perfectly fits with what I experience during the year.

2013 will see the launch of several projects, including a few for the house and a few for me.  I think it has the potential to be a very transformative year but also one where I’m pulled in a million directions.  So the word I choose for 2013 is: focus.

Focus on the goal and embrace the work it takes to get there.  Focus on what’s truly important and let the rest slide.  Pause, breathe, focus.

What about you?  Any words to guide you in 2013?  Share in the comments section.

* Inspired by WordPress’ Weekly Photo Challenge.  This week, we’re invited to post a photo that exemplifies our New Year’s resolution…

15 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge: Resolved

  1. Terrific photo. No guide words for 2013 from me, sorry, I am however going to try and be more patient with people rather than let anyone upset me. I am a perfectionist and sometimes incompetent people stress me out and I get snippy rather than have patients with them. I’m trying but not making promises.


  2. I don’t really have a guide word, but I do have guiding intentions – kind thoughts, kind words, kind acts. I intend to practice. Focus is a word I would like to use to guide my writing. Thanks.


  3. Pingback: Allow 2014 | Julie Hansen Intuitive

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